Transfer Alliance Program (TAP) Scholarship
With generous assistance from the following donors:
Sam & Roslyn Berkman
Sherry Lynn Cagan
Henry B. & Elsie Clay
Robert G. & Janet S. Dunlap
Rose Gilbert
Michael & Celia Goodman
Jessie. W. Ingram
Mildred Johnson
Mary Kathryn (Taylor) Kappler Estate
Evans Ricciardi
Herman Roth
Hale S. Sparks
The Parents of Vincent L. Wang
Lew & Edie Wasserman
Scholarships for entering transfer students from California community colleges. Applicants must complete the TAP Scholars/Honors certification at their community college. The scholarship provides approximately $5,000 per year for up to two years.
With generous assistance from the following donors:
Sam & Roslyn Berkman
Sherry Lynn Cagan
Henry B. & Elsie Clay
Robert G. & Janet S. Dunlap
Rose Gilbert
Michael & Celia Goodman
Jessie. W. Ingram
Mildred Johnson
Mary Kathryn (Taylor) Kappler Estate
Evans Ricciardi
Herman Roth
Hale S. Sparks
The Parents of Vincent L. Wang
Lew & Edie Wasserman
Scholarships for entering transfer students from California community colleges. Applicants must complete the TAP Scholars/Honors certification at their community college. The scholarship provides approximately $5,000 per year for up to two years.