The Scholarship Resource Center cannot accept responsibility for information located on third-party websites or for the actions of their operators. If, however, you encounter any difficulties as a result of visiting the websites listed below, please let us know. Additionally, if you find other online sources that are particularly helpful, please contact us with that information so we can share the good news with others! For UCLA scholarships, be sure to check out this page.

Undergraduate Student Searches

Resources Description

Helps students find scholarships associated with specific colleges of interest. Especially useful for transfer students and high school students applying to college.

Best Colleges Scholarships for African American Students

Extensive resources, scholarship information, and scholarship opportunities for African American Students.

BlackExcel’s 100 Minority Scholarships

Scholarship, grant, fellowship, and internship information specifically for members of underrepresented groups who pursue professions in chemistry-related sciences.

Computer Science Online

Extensive resources for both undergraduate and graduate students interested in Computer Science (CS) or STEM-related disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics).

Diversity Abroad- BeGlobalii

This website focuses on helping students find financial resources to travel and study abroad. Users can search according to various criteria entered by keyword.

EduMed: Scholarships for African American Students

EduMed lists scholarships (along with academic and career resources) for African American students. Many of the scholarships are specifically for healthcare-related fields.


A free, searchable database that contains more than 600,000 private sector scholarships, fellowships, grants, and loans totalling over 1 billion dollars. Plan to spend 30 minutes creating your profile the first time that you use fastWEB.

Hellenic Communication Services

Scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students who are U.S. citizens of Greek descent, for Greek and Cypriot citizens studying in the United States, and for Canadian citizens of Greek descent.

Hispanic Scholarship Fund

The Hispanic Scholarship Fund is a free online scholarship directory for students of Hispanic Heritage. Students may download a printable directory of scholarship listings or search the online database according to personal criteria. This site also offers general guidelines and tips to aid students in the scholarship process.

Human Rights Campaign

The HRC website offers a large list of undergraduate and graduate student scholarships for LGBT students and students who are LGBT allies.

IIE Study Abroad Database

A comprehensive database of study abroad scholarships, fellowships, and grants searchable by country or subject

International Education Financial Aid

The IEFA Website lets you search for undergraduate and graduate scholarships that do not require U.S. citizenship. It also offers up-to-date information for international students studying in the United States.

International Education Office at UCLA

The UCLA International Education Office is another place at UCLA where you can get help in your study abroad scholarship hunt. This page lists other scholarship search databases with a focus on international education.

Jewish Scholarships Portal

Hosted by Hillel International, this database lists hundreds of scholarships for Jewish students.

Military Officers’ Association of America Scholarship Fund

Scholarships, grants, and loans available to the military community.

Pre-Health Dreamers Scholarships

An extensive list of scholarships for Pre-Health and Medicine students.

Sallie Mae Scholarship Search

Allows students to search the free database for funding information from a variety of resources, including scholarships, fellowships, grants, work study, loan programs, tuition waivers, internships, competitions, and work co-operative programs.

Enter your personalized profile to match your specific skills, talents, interests, and abilities to’s database of over 600,000 college scholarship awards. Your results will be delivered to you immediately on-line. also offers information on loans and grants.

Study Abroad Funding

Search for study abroad funding sources by country, subject of study, or applicant demographic.


Unigo helps students and parents to quickly and accurately identify sources of college scholarships. They help both US and international students find scholarships to attend college in the USA.

United Negro College Fund (UNCF)

A large listing of scholarships available for African-American graduate and undergraduate students who attend or attended UNCF member institutions.

Graduate Student Searches

Resources Description
Fellowship Finder

Hosted at the U of Illinois, the Fellowship Finder is a graduate funding search tool.

Hispanic Scholarship Fund

The Hispanic Scholarship Fund is a free online scholarship directory for students of Hispanic Heritage. Students may download a printable directory of scholarship listings or search the online database according to personal criteria. This site also offers general guidelines and tips to aid students in the scholarship process.

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

A direct funding link as well as general NIH information.

National Science Foundation (NSF)

A direct funding link as well as general NSF information.